Cayo Cruz, Cuba – November 2013
Just got home from another trip to Cayo Cruz, which has fast become my favorite permit destination to fish. I had a group of 10 guests from Norway and 3 guests from Western Canada along for the trip. We had some horrific weather during the week, which played havoc on the fishing. Day 2, 3 and 4 were very difficult to fish, with strong winds, overcast skies and milky water. As the bad weather progressed, more and more bottles of rum where making their way on the flats skiffs to fortify guests from the cold rain and hard winds. Day 3 in particular was about as bad as I have ever seen. The system that blew in mid day made fishing all but impossible and many of the guests were forced to get into the water to avoid the pelting rain as much as possible.
Fortunately the poor weather broke on day 5 with plenty of sun and some very big bonefish. The cooler water temps and higher tides brought in a larger averaged sized bonefish that I had seen at Cruz in the last 4 years. The permit fishing was challenging through due to the dreadful conditions and only 3 fish were landed during the week.

I landed a nice little 8-9 pounder on the last day while Tor landed the biggest permit of the week, at just over 20 pounds.
Despite the tough conditions, everyone made the best of it and enjoyed the week. The food was good and the pig roast the last night was a big hit with the guests. Hopefully the trip next November (2014 dates are November 22-29) will offer more consistent weather.
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