
Los Roques


Bonefish are the main species to target at Los Roques, with the average sized bone tipping the scale between 4-10 pounds. Surprisingly, small bonefish are rarely if ever caught here. Snook, monster cudas, juvenile tarpon and even some permit are available in certain areas within the atoll, so it pays to bring a heavier rod, rigged and ready for these species. There are two different types of fishing areas where bonefish will be targeted – beaches and flats. Fishing from the beaches is where you will experience the rare gummy minnow bonefish blitz, all other fishing will be done from the hundreds of different flats that are scattered throughout the area. Each boat will take two anglers fishing for the day. You and your guide will be ferried around the atoll all day by your boat captain, who will drop you off at the different flats and cays. This setup works really well as virtually all the fishing is done on foot. When you are dropped off on a flat, there is no need to anchor the boat or walk all the way back to retrieve it when you’ve finished fishing. Just jump out, and when you get to the end of the flat, your boat will be ready and waiting. Site Cast utilizes a two person crew per boat – your guide and a boat captain. Your guide will speak a mix of English and Spanish.

There are two types of flats – pancake flats (small generally round flats found randomly distributed throughout the atoll) and cays (flats on the edges of cays). The pancake flats are all generally very similar – turtle grass mixed with some sandy areas, usually about 6-24 inches deep. These flats are mostly shallow water affairs and lightweight flies and jigs are recommended. Because all of the fishing, with the exception of tarpon, will be done while wading, the guides will always try to start guests off wading downwind on the flats with the sun at your back The winds are pretty reasonable at Los Roques with an average blow of 5-15 knots.

After returning from your fishing day around 4 PM, you will have a couple of hours to relax before a gourmet dinner is served to you at the lodge. Feel free to explore the island, or for the real saltwater junkies, fish the beaches with gummy minnows. Find diving pelicans and cast right under them. Giant double-digit bonefish are caught right from the Gran Roque beach on a regular basis. If you are too tired to fish after you get back from fishing, have a Cuba Libre on the open air patio on the roof level of the lodge and enjoy the quiet atmosphere. There are no cars or golf carts here, and the bell of a bicycle or landing airplane is about all that will interrupt the sound of gentle evening breezes.


Site cast 7 has center console “Peneros” powered by 75-90 Yamahas. These high bow skiffs are very comfortable to fish and get around in, each has a sun roof which is great to have when its scorching out on the flats.


Your flight to Venezuela will arrive in the capital city of Caracas. Depending on your itinerary, you will stay overnight in Caracas and fly out to Los Roques the next morning. As soon as you clear customs in Caracas, you will be met by a member of the Site Cast staff. Guests will be driven to the Eurobuilding Hotel which is about a 5 minute car ride from the airport. You will stay overnight and then fly out to Los Roques early the next morning, usually on the 7 am flight. A car and driver will pick you up at the hotel and take you back to the airport for the flight to Los Roques. Once you arrive on Gran Roque you will be met by a member of the Site Cast staff and escorted the short 5 minute walk from the airstrip up to the hotel. After a quick breakfast you will be ready to hit the flats and your guide for the trip will be eagerly waiting to take you out on your first day.

Slipstream is a full service travel company that can handle a variety of services relating to your trip. For assistance, please contact us directly at 1 866 644-7703.


Due to the political instability in Venezuela at this time, our Los Roques bookings are currently suspended.

  • CCS - Caracas
  • year round
  • Bonefish, Tarpon, Permit…
  • 14 rods per week guests
  • Wifi: Yes
  • Language: English/Spanish
  • Physicality: Low
  • CC Payment at Facility : Yes

Los Roques

Tour Location


Los Roques is a stunning, virtually untouched archipelago of small coral islands, 150km (93mi) due north off the central coast of Venezuela.


Bonefish. Tarpon, permit, jacks and barracuda.


Year Round


One of the nice things about fishing with Site Cast is that the lodge is very flexible in that there are no set arrival and departure days. Guests can tailor their arrival and departure to and from Posada Acuarela on El Gran Roques to meet their schedules. This flexibility has been particularly beneficial for our guests who have chosen our Venezuelan Split Trip where they fished Los Roques for 3 days before heading back to the mainland for the rest of the week to target billfish.


The Posada Acuarela is our base while fishing Los Roques. It is owned and operated by Angelo Belvedere, while the fishing program is run by Chris Yrazabal. There are 11 rooms at the posada and guests can expect a even mix of anglers and non anglers staying at this beautiful facility. The rooms are simple yet tasteful and each room has A/C, flat screen TV and has its own bathroom with hot and cold water. We like this posada because its size ensures intimacy amongst its guests while its hosts are gracious and extremely pleasant company. The Acuarela rooftop is a spectacular place for cocktails in the afternoon after a great day on the water.


Angling capacity is 14 rods per week.

Los Roques

Value for money

Los Roques


  • Being met by a member of the Site Cast team as soon as you clear customs
  • All ground transportation in Caracas
  • First and last overnight at the Eurobuilding Hotel, Caracas
  • Round trip air transfers (Caracas-Los Roques-Caracas) on Transavan Airlines
  • Accommodations in a single or double room with private bathroom and A/C, based on package purchased
  • Number of days guiding, based on package purchased
  • All meals, based on package purchased
  • Beer with lunch


  • Overweight baggage
  • Charges and gratuities
  • Meals at the Eurobuilding Hotel in Caracas
  • Fishing gear
  • Alcohol
  • $20 USD Los Roques Park Authority fee
  • All Venezuela airport departure taxes


To enter Venezuela, a valid passport that does not expire for at least 6 months after the trip has concluded, from the country of origin is required, along with a return ticket.