The weather on the North Island has been dreadful the last few weeks with lots of rain and cooler temps. January is traditionally the peak of summer on the north island but summer just has not shown up yet. A strange year on the north island. That said, the two days I just wrapped up fishing the Taupo area, where very good, and my guide Alex commented that I managed to get the only two days of sun in the last month. Sometimes its better to be lucky than good!!
Day 1
Was sunny and we stuck close to Taupo, fishing one of the larger rivers in the area. You will notice throughout this blog post series that I do not mention any of the rivers by name. That is done intentionally to protect the locations that our guides have worked very hard to discover and preserve. This lovely Brown Trout was the second fish of my first day. It ate a small nymph and put up one hell of a fight. A very nice way to start the trip!

Day 2
We ventured out further afield, heading south in search of fat Rainbow Trout and boy did the rainbows put on a show. Lost of fish caught throughout the day, with the largest fish weighing just under six pounds. They weren’t taking dries so we fished most of the day with size 14 nymphs with an NZ indicator.

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